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Moritaka Nakamura and Kazuhiko Inaba

On April 1, 2024, Ryoyo Electro Corporation and Ryosan Company Limited conducted a management integration, resulting in the birth of a new Company: Ryoyo Ryosan Holdings, Inc.

Both partner Companies are trading companies specializing in the sale of semiconductors, electronic components and ICT products as well as a wide variety of solutions. Each boasts a long history of contributing to the development of the electronics industry.

The business environment for the electronics industry has changed dramatically in recent years, and so have the functions and roles expected of electronics trading companies. To serve those needs, the Ryoyo Ryosan Group must bolster its competitive strength in terms of both quality and quantity.

Ryoyo Ryosan Group aims to be a company,
that serves customers' needs and is essential to society.

The Vision of the Ryoyo Ryosan Group, adopted in tandem with the management integration, focuses directly on the concerns not only of the Group's customers but also of those customers' customers and their end users. It encapsulates the Ryoyo Ryosan Group's determination to contribute to solving customer issues as the target state to which the Group aspires.

We believe that the achievement of our target state contributes to society as a whole.

By combining the product lines and technologies they have built up over their long histories, the partner Companies will pursue deeper, broader and greater value across their entire value chain.

The Ryoyo Ryosan Group is determined to be a Group that all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees and regional communities, trust and regard as indispensable. We are marshaling our combined Group strength to tackle the continuing challenges of achieving further growth.

Moritaka Nakamura
Representative Director, President

Kazuhiko Inaba
Representative Director, Vice President